We help DTC brands crush their monthly revenue targets via customer retention without spending a dime on paid ads.
We take email marketing and audience growth off your plate and supercharge it.
1. Your outsourced email team:You can count on us to handle all things email. We will take lead and own the email channel outright. You and your team can be as hands-off as you'd like.
2. Double your ROAS:We know that ROAS is king so we take charge and help all the cold traffic (from paid media) channel into an email funnel that converts in your sleep. Now you're making more $$... with the same Adspend.
3. Fresh content that converts:No Templates. No scripts. We Build Everything From Scratch (Custom always work better)
4. Free migration:In case you don't use our recommended Email platform, we'll migrate your data safely from your old to new ESP (email service provider)
5. Rise in customer LTV:In Ecommerce, cashflow is the lifeline of the business. That's why we focus on repetitive customer purchases- so you get more $$ in and build healthy customer relationships.
6. Revenue Booster:We will help sky-rocket your email attributable revenue so expect 30% or more increase in sales from the backend, except you spend $0 for all the additional revenue.